UGUIDE South Dakota Pheasant Hunting is South Dakotas leader in self-guided pheasant hunting.
2008 South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Outlook Forecast - July
June 30, 2008 by Chris Hitzeman
Late last season the final population estimates came out from South Dakota Game & Fish. The tally read 11.9 million pheasants. The best since 1945. One could hardly expect to top that number anytime soon and yet some of the most established wild bird SD enthusiasts and conservationists are hedging to say that 2008 may be yet another record year for wild pheasant populations.
More...2008 South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Outlook Forecast - June
May 21, 2008 by Chris Hitzeman
Having been recently out on the farm in south-central South Dakota, I am happy to report good news and bad news. The bad news first....lots of dead birds on the roads and lots of bird/car collisions. Now the good news....that is the good news.
More...South Dakota Decides Against Longer Pheasant Season
April 20, 2008 by South Dakota Game Fish & Parks
Heeding the concerns of landowners and sportsmen’s groups, the S.D. Game, Fish and Parks Commission decided against a proposal that would have lengthened the South Dakota pheasant hunting season to the end of January.
More...2008 South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Outlook Forecast - March
March 19, 2008 by UGUIDE
With a record bird season in 2007 and a mild 2007-2008 winter, South Dakota is again staged for another banner year of pheasant hunting.
More...More Time to Hunt Pheasants in South Dakota?
March 18, 2008 by Chris Hitzeman
South Dakota’s pheasant hunting season might get longer under a proposal being considered by the Game, Fish and Parks Commission. The proposal lengthens the season through January. In the past, the season has ended on the first Sunday in January. See whole story to see how your vote can be cast... More...
Wild Pheasants are doing well in the Dakota's so far in 2008
February 15, 2008 by UGUIDE
As long as we incur no major late winter storms the pheasant populations in both North and South Dakota will come through with"flying" colors.
More...Upland Bird Hunting - The Good Old Days are Here!!! - South Dakota Report
October 15, 2007 by UGUIDE
Hunters should get ready to step back in time as they prepare to share the fields with a pheasant population the likes of which hasn’t been seen in South Dakota since the Soil Bank years of the 1950s and ’60s. More...
South Dakota Chicken and Sharptail Prospects Look Promising for 2007
September 06, 2007 by UGUIDE
With increased spring and summer rains experienced across much of the grouse range in South Dakota, biologists are optimistic about the outlook for grouse hunting in 2007. More...
Pheasant Populations Soar Despite Looming Habitat Loss
August 30, 2007 by UGUIDE
Hunters who take to the fields in 2007 will be greeted by one of the largest pheasant populations in South Dakota history. However, they had better enjoy it while they can. More...
2007 South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Counts Up 23% Overall
August 25, 2007 by Chris Hitzeman
Brood count surveys by the S.D. Game, Fish and Parks Department project pheasant numbers the likes of which has not been seen since the Soil Bank years of the 1950s and ’60s. The pheasant population index was at a 40-year high in 2005 and the 2007 index tops that historic mark. Overall statewide numbers for 2007 are 23% higher than the 2006 counts and 18% higher than the 2005 mark. More...