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UGUIDE South Dakota Pheasant Hunting

Blog posts by UGUIDE South Dakota Pheasant Hunting

UGUIDE Unguided South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Report Week 1

October 24, 2013 by

UGUIDE Pheasant Camp has begun to collect harvest data weekly from each of its camps and will post these results here on a weekly basis. We will do this in an effort to distinguish ourselves from speculative and noncomprehensive reports to give the pheasant hunter a better idea of what is going on around the state and at UGUIDE pheasant camps.


North Dakota - 2009 Pheasant Crowing Counts Down from 2008

August 05, 2009 by

North Dakota's spring pheasant crowing count survey revealed a 25 percent decrease statewide compared to last year, according to Stan Kohn, upland game management supervisor for the state Game and Fish Department.


South Dakota Game and Fish - Offering Free Public Lands GPS Mapping Program

August 05, 2009 by

PIERRE, S.D.  South Dakota has millions of acres of lands open to the public, and a new option to locate those areas is being offered by the Department of Game, Fish and Parks.
